Fertility health
72 Pins
Cervical Mucus Matters When You're TTC: Find out why....
If you are TTC, cervical mucus is an important way to chart your menstrual cycle and fertility. Monitoring ovulation discharge can give you a valuable insight into your fertility cycle. But how do you check your cervical mucus? what´s the difference between egg white, sticky and creamy cervical mucus and why is it important when you´re TTC? I have all the answers (and MORE!) right here... For support & advice about fertility and trying to conceive visit www.elizabethking.com
Natural ways to increase cervical mucus when TTC | Elizabeth King Fertility
Here´s a top fertility tip if you are trying to conceive: Know your cervical mucus! Cervical mucus & ovulation go hand in hand. During ovulation, your cervical mucus can help sperm reach the cervix for pregnancy to occur so knowing how to increase your cervical mucus can benefit your fertility in amazing ways! Keep reading for tips on understanding ovulation & your cervical mucus, what normal cervical mucus looks like & 6 steps to boost cervical mucus if you don´t have any or have ve