Atom Structure

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an astronaut is standing in front of a colorful circle with the words,'atomic structure '
an image with the caption that reads, atomics consist of a nuclear containing one or more possibly charged protons
an advertisement with the caption that says, all atms except hydrogen can also contain one
the number of protons determines an element hydrogen has one proton, helium has two, and so on of the atom
an image of a cell phone with the text nucle with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons are different istoppes of the same element
the text on the phone says, in the bohr model of the atomic orbitals or energy levels don't give off any electronic radiation
an image with the words, but when electronics go from lower levels to higher ones they must absorb a photon or just the right energy
a text message that reads, when they go from higher levels to lower ones they give off a photon of just the right energy