GIP sexual orientation awareness campaign

I'm to make a campaign for school and I chose raising awareness to different sexual orientations as a theme. There's posters, a logo, information, a website and an app involved, but it's all merely designs I'm afraid...
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the text is written in black and white
I'm bisexual, so i think we really need to do this.
a postcard with an image of someone's message to their god on it
*makes garden "gayer"* Seriously how is a garden described as gay? They're flippin' plants with no gender. SOMEONE EXPLAIN
the words pansexuals are valid in white letters on a yellow background
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May 17th is The International Day Against Homophobia Transphobia and Biphobia. International Day, Equal Rights, Black Lives, Human Rights, Black Lives Matter, Wizard, A Man
GayRVA Archives | RVA Mag
May 17th is The International Day Against Homophobia Transphobia and Biphobia.
an image of a rainbow colored background
ianthe's inferno
sexual orientation and gender identities masterlist + pride flags
types of asexual romanticism  I'm always weary using the term polyromantic because I'm not sure if it means multiple partners or being attracted to multiple genders. I identify with the latter. Gender Presentation, Lgbtq Support, Ace Pride, Asexual Pride, Reference Sheet, Pride Flags
types of asexual romanticism I'm always weary using the term polyromantic because I'm not sure if it means multiple partners or being attracted to multiple genders. I identify with the latter.
a quote that says, why do you stay in prison when the door is wide open?
Curiano Life Quotes
Curiano Quotes Life - Quotes, Love Quotes, Life Quotes, Live Life Quote, and Inspirational Quotes.
two wooden doors with stickers that say friendly for all genderers and the words friendly for all genderers
"Friendly for all genders" [follow this link to find a video and analysis which explores the policing of gender identity and expression:]