Red Dot Design

19 Pins
a silver computer with a red ball in the background
가비아 호스팅 서비스:웹호스팅,웹메일호스팅,쇼핑몰호스팅,단독서버,동영상호스팅 | Medical design, Electronics design, Tech design
an open laptop computer sitting on top of a stand
Red Dot Design Award
an electric car plugged in to a charging station
JIDU ROBO Charger is an advanced charging infrastructure for electric vehicles in the coming autonomous era. Using AI voice and lighting interactions, it will provide fast charging and a seamless user experience. . . . . . . . . . . . #RedDotAward #DesignConcept #RedDotWinner #DesignAward #energy #electrification #gooddesign #designedby #JIDUAutomobile
a robot sitting on top of a table next to a monitor and chair in front of it
Orthopaedic Surgery Robot System
the robotic arm is attached to a glass table with an object on it's side
InsitumCT Zero
Freed from the boundaries of a traditional scanning stand, InsitumCT Zero enables multiple scanning modes and offers greater flexible in diagnosis, treatment and operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #RedDotAward #RedDotDesignAward #DesignConcept #lifescience #gooddesign #designedby #ShenzhenDORTOOSDesignCo
an electronic device is shown with the red dot award logo in the back ground and on top of it
Smart Thermos
Smart Thermos is a heat preservation kettle quickly and effectively assists users in obtaining information about the water temperature. . . . . . . . #RedDotAward #DesignConcept #RedDotWinner #Culinary #Kitchen #designedby #GUODAOE-CommerceCo
a man is adjusting the handle on a wall mounted phone holder with yellow trims
DTS 01 | Drilling Targeting Systems
DTS 01 | Drilling Targeting Systems is an innovation that speeds up aerospace assembly and reduces the need for an extremely-skilled operator. . . . . . . . . #RedDotAward #RedDotDesignAward #DesignConcept #industry #tools #gooddesign #designedby #MehmetMehmetalioglu
the red dot award has been awarded for its design and technology innovation, which includes an automatic
GYRONE - High Precision Handheld Drilling System
an electronic device is flying through the air
Variable - Modular Amp
Variable – Modular Amp provides all the rich details to give you a sense of space and telepresence, whether it be background music or vivid and delicate dialogue between characters. . . . . . . . . . #RedDotAward #DesignAward #DesignConcept #entertainment #gooddesign #designedby #NPlusProductPlanningCo
the red dot award has been awarded for its innovative medical device, which is designed to help
SPECTRA Cancer Diagnostic System
SPECTRA IMDX™ is a cancer cell analyser which can capture diagnostic results in real-time, enabling surgeons to perform immediate remedial action during the same clinical procedure. #RedDot #DesignAward #DesignConcept #bestofthebest #artificialintelligence #gooddesign