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  • of rock-cod or sea-perch; ikan marrang or kitang (teuthis), commonly named the leather fish, and among the best brought to table; jinnihin, a rock-fish...
    41 KB (6.798 kata) - 27 Maret 2023 04.12
  • which consists of one immense rock, and which may have been originally connected with the main island. The face of the country is rough and irregular, consisting...
    1 KB (180.867 kata) - 1 April 2023 11.35
  • Christians began, and was finished by the hurling of thousands more from the rock of Pap- pcnberg, in Nagasaki harbor. Thousands more were banished to va-...
    49 KB (7.266 kata) - 13 Desember 2023 10.03
  • " Giant's Causeway." A lacquer-artist in Fukui has made sketches of the rock and shore scenery here, and is now making me a handsome stand for my glass-sponges...
    76 KB (11.737 kata) - 13 Desember 2023 10.41