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What are you waiting for? GO!

Ready for adventure?
~ Xavier Riddle

Xavier Riddle is the titular hero of the TV animated series, Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum. He is a 7-year-old boy who likes to time travel through time.

He is voiced by Aidan Vissers


Xavier is an excitable, impulsive kid who loves adventure and time-traveling. He's the leader of his group. His antennae are useful for time-traveling, and he has dials at the side of his hood to help translate foreign languages to English.

Physical Appearance[]

Xavier is a Peruvian American boy who has dark skin complexion and short black hair. He wears grey-blue pants and black sneakers over white socks.

He wears a red hoodie with the hood up, "alien"-style antennae on it, and a black "X". This iconic hoodie contains the translator which allows him (and it seems, also Yadina and Brad, despite not wearing one too) to understand non-English speaking historical figures.

