Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki
           Gravity Falls Offical Logo Heroes

Pines Family/Mystery Shack
Dipper Pines | Mabel Pines | Stanley Pines | Stanford Pines | Soos Ramirez | Wendy Corduroy

Residents of Gravity Falls
Old Man McGucket | Pacifica Northwest | Robbie Valentino | Candy Chiu | Grenda | Tyler Cuterbiker | Sheriff Blubs | Deputy Durland | Sev'ral Timez | Quentin Trembley | Modoc the Wise

Earth Creatures
Mermando | Manotaurs (Chutzpar) | Gnomes (Jeff & Shmebulock) | Rumble McSkirmish | Multi-bear | Big Henry | Shimmery Twinkleheart | Dipper Clones | Archibald Corduroy

Extra-terrestrial creatures
Bill Cipher's Parents | The Oracle | Axolotl | Time Baby

Anti-Cipher Society | Blendin Blandin | Lolph and Dundgren | Xyler and Craz | The Indestructi-Buddies | Space Trucker | Mabelverse | Asteroid Refugees
