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Atreus: Mimir, is there a story for the Giant with the flaming sword?
Mimir: Surtr the Brave? Of course! We've spoken so much of Frost Giants, it's about time we instead met the most fiery Giant of all. Back when Ymir first emerged from Ginnungagap, it was Surtr who followed next. He came from Muspelheim, the fire realm, bringing heat to the young cosmos, conjuring the Sun from his primordial flame. But let's come back to that flaming sword, shall we? Surtr the Brave forged his sword of flame for one purpose alone- to burn down Asgard when Ragnarök comes at last. His destiny is to fall at the hands of Thor and Odin. But in so doing, strike the blow that leaves their realm in ash and ruin. And from that destruction, the world can be born anew. Until then, alone he waits in Muspelheim, never sleeping, ever honing his fiery blade. Brave, generous, Surtr, who know he lives but to his doom. All because he chooses to serve a grand cycle, so much bigger than himself. To truly embrace your purpose, and the patience and sacrifice it demands, is to ensure your day will come.
Atreus: Do you think we'll be there? When that day comes?
Mimir: I've seen enough of war between the gods. But you, little brother... who can say?
~ Mimir and Atreus story about Surtr
I. Am. Ragnarök. I await the call.
~ Surtr to Kratos and Atreus after his transformation.

Surtr also known as Surtr the Brave, is a supporting character in the 2022 video game God of War Ragnarök. He is the second being born into existence and the very first fire giant to be born. He is the ruler of Muspelheim who is prophesied to play a major role in Ragnarök.

He was voiced by Chris Browning.


Sometimes... loving someone is about... choosing the lesser pain.
~ Surtr to Atreus.

Despite not appearing in the game, Surtr is described by Mimir as dogmatic and selfless. He willingly continues upon the path prophesied for him so that the cycle of death and rebirth can continue; despite knowing this will end with his own death. He never sleeps in Muspelheim, always honing and training with his sword to be ready for his part in Ragnarök.

When realizing the true prophecy of Ragnarök, he lost his resolve and refused to sacrifice himself with Sinmara for Ragnarök. He initially refused to help Kratos and Atreus for Ragnarök, until he regained his resolve when he sensed the primordial fire within the Blades of Chaos, not caring about their origins. After his transformation, Surtr turned mindless, focusing only to fulfill his role in destroying Asgard.



Surtr was created directly after Ymir in Muspelheim. He formed the Sun and the stars, brining heat into the cosmos as result. At some point, Surtr came across the ice giant Sinmara and battles each other, but later teamed up to fight their shared enemies and fell in love. However, the two learned of their roles in the events of Ragnarök - the two were to combine and destroy Asgard, dying in the process. Surtr and Sinmara were heartbroken by this, and despite separating from each other, exchanged their hearts so the other could have a piece of them. As time went on, Surtr worked on a sword that could destroy Asgard, but became disillusioned of the role he would have to play. Additionally, Surtr came in contact with Andvari, requesting some Soul Eaters to be sent to his fiery realm.

God of War (2018)[]

Not much is known about Surtr and he hasn't made any direct appearance yet. However, he is described as an ancient being that is first referenced when Kratos, Atreus and Mimir visit Muspelheim. Later, Mimir states that Surtr and the other fire giants will only appear when Ragnarök begins. Mimir notes that Surtr is destined to fall in battle against Thor and Odin, but will be able to destroy Asgard with his flames before they can kill him.

Surtr's sword remains in Muspelheim, and calls out to Kratos and Atreus to take on the realm's trials. Successfully completing each trial rewards Kratos with materials and new gear to craft.

God of War Ragnarök[]

After Odin kills Brok, Kratos and Atreus travel to Muspelheim for Surtr's help to avenge their fallen friend. Surtr was continually forging swords and initially refused to help them, sending several monsters to attack the two. This was until he look the Blades of Chaos and immediately sensed the primordial fire within the Blades. Surtr decided to help Kratos and Atreus, seeing that he didn't have to combine with Sinmara to fulfill his role. He tells Kratos and Atreus to follow him to the Spark of the World to gain power from the Blades of Chaos. He imbued his flames into Kratos' Blades though caused some pain towards him and Kratos. He revealed with his flames and stab into Sinmara's frozen heart inside of him, Kratos will get Ragnarök when he tells the Ghost of Sparta that it is time. Following these instructions, Kratos stabs Surtr, causing him to transform into Ragnarök. Surtr then tells the two he will await the call from the Gjallarhorn.

Though he doesn't immediately appear during the war, Surtur soon arrives and attacks Asgard. While being attacked by Asgard's weaponry created by the dwarves in, he was helped by Sindri which leads Surtr to gain the upper hand during the battle. However, Kratos tasks Freya and Freyr to hold off Surtr due to Midgardians being used by Odin to hold off the attack. Stopped in his tracks, Surtr battled against the siblings as he continued to march towards Asgard. Moments after Odin's death, Surtur arrives and uses his sword to destroy Asgard but also cost him his own life alongside Freyr's, who allowed the others to escape while he held the fire giant back. Sinmara later learned of Surtr's death and could be heard crying in Niflheim.

After Surtr's death, the Fire Giants are now extinct.


Wait. Those blades... May I see them? Hmm... yeah there's primordial fire in those. (Kratos: They are not of these lands.) Shouldn't matter.
~ Surtr when seeing the Blades of Chaos
Blades. Move. This'll hurt. Now for the really painful part. My fire. Her heart. Combine them... you get Ragnarök. It's time.
~ Surtr to Kratos



  • Surtr's Greek equivalent is the titan Perses.


           God of War Logo Heroes

Kratos | Atreus | Mimir | Freya

Greek Era
Gods of Olympus
Athena | Aphrodite | Pandora | Poseidon | Hades | Helios | Hephaestus

Deimos | Orkos

Pathos Verdes III | Poseidon's Princess | Aletheia

Norse Era
Mimir | Týr | Sif | Thrúd

Freya | Freyr | Hildisvíni

Surtr | Faye | Angrboda | Jörmungandr

Huldra Brothers | Durlin | Lúnda

Byggvir | Beyla | The Maven

Freya | Sigrún | Gunnr | Geirdriful | Eir | Kara | Ròta | Olrun | Gondul | Hildr

Ratatoskr | Niðhögg | Birgir | Chaurli | Fenrir | Sköll and Hati
