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Heroes Wiki

Somah is a former slaver being held captive in the holding cells aboard Mothership Zeta.


Somah is one of the few post-War wastelanders that have been abducted and held on the recon craft Theta, being captured after picking up a radio signal and attempting to find the source to scrap for parts. Prior to this, she was a slaver working alongside associates from Paradise Falls with a tenacity for tinkering with machines and stripping tech from scrap.


She is friendly towards the Lone Wanderer, but will be evasive about her past. She will recruit the Lone Wanderer in her plan to escape the holding cells and provide assistance in fighting the aliens as they move through the ship.When the Lone Wanderer wakes up from their abduction, Somah suggests a way of getting out of the holding cell.When the Lone Wanderer goes to robot assembly Somah can come and help as a companion,If Somah survived her section in Among the Stars, she will help in the last battle by keeping the aliens at bay while the player character engages the other mothership. After the final quest, she shares with the Lone Wanderer her plans of heading back to the wasteland with some equipment from the ship, finding a new place to make a life for herself. She mentions they likely will not see each other again, and expresses her thanks for their help.

