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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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I’ve been nothing but a burden to you. Today, I can finally help. You won’t see me as a child anymore.
~ Andy to Rain after having been implanted with the Weyland-Yutani chip.

Andy Carradine is the deuteragonist in the 2024 sci-fi horror film Alien: Romulus, the seventh installment in the Alien film franchise. He is a former Weyland-Yutani mining synthetic that was tasked by Rain’s father to keep her safe before he passed away, which turned Andy into an affectionate android that wishes to protect Rain at all costs.

He is portrayed by David Jonsson.


Similarly to the other specific Synthetic model he is based on, Andy is designed to resemble an adult man with dark skin, dark eyes, and short black hair. Standing at approximately 1,75 m (5′ 9″). Like other synthetics, Andy has an input on the right side of his head.

He wears a military grey Weyland-Yutani jumpsuit with a hooded collar and the Weyland emblem on the left side of his torso.


Being an Android, Andy acts both as sensible and lacking in human social skills, yet established himself as being caring and supportive to others when he needs to be, especially towards Rain. His main directive is programmed to being Rain's caretaker, which lead Andy to grow from a detached machine to a being that can slowly grow his own morals for the right reasons. Andy’s social problems can also be attributed to him being defective, instead of it all being caused by him being a synthetic.

Andy was dedicated to Rain, which included a possibility of accepting a separation; when he learned that her destination after the salvage job would require her to leave him behind, Andy was hurt, but didn't complain nor criticize her, rather accepting it if that was want she felt was for the best. Despite his acquiescence, he may have carried an anxiety about being useless and abandoned by the only person that mattered to him most, which is why he became particularly focused on keeping a scavenged upgrade chip, as noted below.

After obtaining the Weyland-Yutani chip, Andy became increasingly more pragmatic and much less idealistic. Being fully prepared to sacrifice the few in order to safe the many, which portrays the strict mindset that Weyland-Yutani enforces on their people; although even when his primary directive was to obey Company orders, he ensured to be protective of Rain, if even at the expense of others. He eventually reverted to his original self upon the removal of the chip, allowing him to reflect on his errors.


Alien: Romulus[]



  • Andy is similar to android Bishop in Aliens, as he is similarly soft-spoken, never angered, and dedicated to protecting human life.
  • He is the first android in the films to have the appearance of an Afrocentric individual, rather than Anglocentric; although, he has an English accent like Ash and David, whereas Walter and Bishop had an American one.
  • He says "Get away from her, you bitch," to the Scorched Xenomorph when defending Rain, which is a reference to when Ripley said the same to the Archeron Queen to defend Newt.


           Official AVP Logo Heroes

Alien series
Ellen Ripley | Arthur Dallas | Joan Lambert | Samuel Brett | Dennis Parker | Thomas Kane | Jones | Newt | Bishop | Dwayne Hicks | Ripley 8 | Annalee Call | Elizabeth Shaw | Charlie Holloway | Meredith Vickers | Janek | Millburn | Katherine Daniels | Chris Oram | Tennessee Faris | Dan Lopé | Walter | Amanda Ripley | Rain Carradine | Andy Carradine | Tyler | Kay | Bjorn | Navarro

Predator series
Alan "Dutch" Schaefer | Mike Harrigan | Royce | Isabelle | Nikolai Fedorov | Hanzo | Quinn McKenna | Casey Brackett | Rory McKenna | The Loonies (Nebraska Williams, Coyle, Baxley, Lynch & Alvaro Nettles) | Naru | Taabe

Alien vs. Predator series
Lex Woods | Sebastian De Rosa | Charles Bishop Weyland | Dallas Howard | Kelly O'Brien | Eddie Morales | Ricky Howard | Molly O'Brien | Jesse Salinger | Pvt. Anderson | Andrew Harrison Rookie | Specimen 6

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