Grand Theft Encyclopedia
Grand Theft Encyclopedia

Bassmatic es una canción de Nina Barry, que aparece en Lips 106 FM y también aparece como ringtone en Aparece en Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories y Grand Theft Auto IV. La canción habla del crimen y de lo peligroso que es vivir en Liberty City.


Tabloid generation
Anti-hero attitude
Locked into the system
Live your life by remote control

Yesterday's a cliche
Shouldn't make a sound
Living life in the wrong part of town


A distant echo
City streets are clear tonight
Condition Red
City's full of fear tonight

Three gangs on the corner
Territorial dispute
Tryin' to smash the system
Living life one day at a time

Urban situations
Trouble on the ground
Nighttime curfews in the wrong part of town


Street cars light the night up
Sirens play a distant tune
People in the suburbs
Living life sheltered from the view

Nighttime's like a jungle
Shouldn't make a sound
Living life in the wrong part of town

(coro x2)

Cop cars in the street now
Cover every avenue
People in the city Living life is all they can do

That's the situation
In the city now
Living life in the wrong part of town



  • En una parte de la canción se mencionan 3 bandas en un rincón disputándose por territorios, una clara referencia a las familias Leone, Forelli y Sindacco.