Jun 15, 2013Wavelet transform is a prism which exhibits properties of signal such as points of abrupt changes, seasonality or periodicity. The plane defined�...
Dec 1, 2018Statistical and wavelet analyses are useful tools for analyzing river water quality parameters. In this study, they were employed to study�...
Statistical and wavelet analysis of water quality parameters COD (chemical oxygen demand), BOD (biochemical oxygen demand), DO (dissolved oxygen), WT (water�...
Water quality parameters include brightness, pH, and Dissolved Oxygen (DO) parameters. total dissolved solid (TDS), Total Suspended Solid (TSS), temperature and�...
Statistical and wavelet analyses are useful tools for analyzing river water quality parameters. In this study, they were employed to study parameters�...
In the present paper an attempt has been made to evaluate the selected parameters by applying Wavelet analysis techniques to diagnose the water quality proble..
The statistical analysis of each water quality parameters pH, COD, BOD, AMM, TKN, DO, WT, TC and FC have been discussed below as given in Table 1.
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Time series, trend, wavelet and statistical analysis of water quality parameters Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD),�...
Dec 28, 2022This study used wavelet analysis tools to examine the periodic changes in nutrients and environmental factors, as well as the relationship between nutrients�...
A 13-month data series was compared with results from laboratory analysis by using wavelet model techniques. The study investigated eight surface water�...