Abstract. In this work, an electronic lexicon of Czech verbs is presented. The lexicon contains valency frames of approx. 15,000 Czech verbs, and its�...
Verb frames extracted from dictionaries. January 2002. Authors: Hana Skoumalov� at Charles University in Prague � Hana Skoumalov� � Charles University in Prague.
We described an automatic procedure for extract- ing translation dictionary of verb frames from par- allel word-aligned treebank. We evaluated various.
We describe a method for extracting translation verb frames (parallel subcategorization frames) from a parallel dependency treebank. The ex-tracted frames�...
Abstract. We describe a method for extracting translation verb frames (parallel subcategorization frames) from a parallel dependency treebank. The ex-.
Abstract. This paper presents a new method for producing a dictionary of subcategorization frames from un- labelled text corpora.
valence frames for 1166 verbs according to Świdziński (1994). The test set: valence frames for 203 verbs according to the dictionaries by. Polański (1980)�...
We describe a machine learning method for collecting idiomatic fixed stem verb frames. Firstly we collect frequent frame candidates from the output of a�...
We describe a mechanism for automatically estimating frequencies of verb subcategorization frames in a large corpus. A tagged corpus is first partially�...
This article explores the possibilities of automatic extraction of both surface and valency frames of Czech verbs. First, it is clearly documented that the�...