Mar 30, 2020The VTKEL dataset can be used for training and evaluating algorithms for visual-textual-knowledge entity linking. References.
Mar 30, 2020VTKEL (Dost et al., 2020) is proposed to effectively incorporate the alignment of background knowledge with visual and textual information.
The VTKEL dataset, consisting of images and corresponding captions, in which the image and textual mentions are both annotated with the corresponding�...
This repositroy includes VTKEL dataset and related files developed for visual-textual alignment with links to YAGO ontology for entity recognition and linking.
and Alessandro Sperduti, 'VTKEL: A resource for Visual-Textual-. Knowledge Entity Linking', in Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM. Symposium on Applied�...
To tackle VTKEL, we first introduced [57] a ground-truth dataset, to be used for training and testing possible approaches. The VTKEL30k, derived from the�...
Apr 3, 2020The VTKEL dataset can be used for train- ing and evaluating algorithms for visual-textual-knowledge entity linking. CCS CONCEPTS. •�...
VTKEL: a resource for visual-textual-knowledge entity linking. S. Dost, L. Serafini, M. Rospocher, L. Ballan, and A. Sperduti. SAC, page 2021-2028.
This is a complex task, that we call Visual-Textual-Knowledge Entity Linking (VTKEL), which aims at linking visual and textual entity mentions to the�...
Successively, we introduce a baseline algorithm called VT-LinKEr (Visual-Textual-Knowledge Entity Linker) for the solution of the VTKEL task. We evaluate the�...