This tutorial is devoted to tree automata. We will present some of the most fruitful applications of tree automata in rewriting theory and we will give an�...
Abstract. This tutorial is devoted to tree automata. We will present some of the most fruitful applications of tree automata in rewriting the-.
Whereas tree automata can be viewed as a subclass of ground rewrite systems, tree automata are successfully used as decision tools in rewriting theory.
Jan 17, 2019The automaton model that you are probably looking for is that of tree automata, that is, finite automata accepting trees instead of strings.
Autowrite is an experimental software tool written in Common Lisp Oriented System (CLOS) which handles term rewrite systems and bottom-up tree automata.
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Autowrite is an experimental software tool written in Common Lisp for handling term rewrite systems and bottom-up tree automata. A graphical interface has�...
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