Towards Unconditional Soundness: Computationally Complete Symbolic Attacker ... computational requirements that enforce the soundness of the symbolic model�...
Towards Unconditional Soundness: Computationally Complete Symbolic Attacker. Conference paper. pp 189–208; Cite this conference paper. Download book PDF.
las, since we need to constrain the symbolic models of the deducibility relations, i.e., the symbolic attacker capabilities, according to the computational�...
We propose in this paper a different approach: everything is possible in the symbolic model, unless it contradicts a computational assumption. In this way, we�...
Towards Unconditional Soundness: Computationally Complete Symbolic Attacker ... Formal Analysis of Vote Privacy Using Computationally Complete Symbolic Attacker.
This results a computationally complete symbolic attacker, and ensures unconditional computational soundness for the symbolic analysis. We present a small�...
Towards unconditional soundness: Computationally complete symbolic attacker. In. POST'12, LNCS, pages 189–208. Springer, 2012. [7] G. Bana, K. Hasebe, and M�...
Towards Unconditional Soundness: Computationally Complete Symbolic Attacker � G. BanaHubert Comon-Lundh � POST. 2012 ; Computational soundness of observational�...
Recently, Bana and Comon-Lundh introduced the notion of computationally complete symbolic attacker to deliver unconditional computational soundness to�...
Abstract. We show that the recent technique of computationally complete symbolic attackers proposed by Bana and Comon-Lundh [7] for computationally sound�...