The ultimate objective of the project is to expand Princeton WordNet with conceptual frames that define the syntagmatic relations of verb synsets and the�...
The paper presents the project Semantic Network with a Wide Range of Semantic Relations and its main achievements to expand Princeton WordNet with�...
Mapping VerbNet (VN) classes and semantic roles (SRs) and FrameNet. (FN) frames and frame elements (FEs) with WordNet (WN) synsets. ○ extending existing�...
Mar 12, 2020This paper outlines procedures for enhancing WordNet with conceptual information from FrameNet. The mapping of the two resources is�...
This paper describes an ongoing effort towards expanding the semantic and conceptual description of verbs in WordNet by combining information from two other�...
Abstract. This paper compares the utilization of ConceptNet and WordNet in query expansion. Spreading activation selects candidate terms for query expan-.
This work extends WordNet's semantic knowledge by addressing philosophical meta-properties. Specifically, we apply the notion of Semantic Types to propose�...
Missing: Frames. | Show results with:Frames.
The objectives of research presented in the book “Towards a Semantic Network Enriched with a Variety of Relations” are to expand the WordNet structure.
In this paper we are focusing on query expansion to add related concepts in query processing. ... for concept Ci and R is relation in WordNet that connects Ci to�...
This paper presents a novel method of optimising the WordNet structure for the purposes ofevocation strength recognition. Graph distance has been used as a�...