In this study, we demonstrate how colonies of embodied agents can be evolved to display multiple complex macroscopic behaviors at the same time. In our�...
Abstract. Studies on social insects have demonstrated that complex, adaptive and self-organized behavior can arise at the macroscopic level.
Towards Artificial Evolution of Complex Behaviors Observed in Insect Colonies ... Evolving mobile robots able to display collective behaviours. Artificial�...
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Aug 5, 2022Animals have complex behaviors because they have the brains that allow them to learn and perform them, especially if survival is involved.
Towards Artificial Evolution of Complex Behaviors Observed in Insect Colonies ... 15th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2011, Lisbon�...
Nov 26, 2018We review issues associated with understanding the genetics of plasticity-first evolution and outline an empirical approach to help advance this field.
We explore the role of natural selection in shaping the processes that underlie social information use, using a suite of experiments on social insects as case�...
Behavioral variation among colonies has consequences for survival and reproductive success that are the basis for evolutionary change. Introduction.
Mar 10, 2016The dance, pheromones, and flower odors motivate nestmates to forage, and the complex behavioral sequence of tactile and vibrational signals�...
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Duarte, M., Christensen, A. L. & Oliveira, S. (2011). Towards Artificial Evolution of Complex Behaviors Observed in Insect Colonies. In Luis Antunes, H. Sofia�...