Tiny object detection is a challenging task. Many datasets for this task are released in past years, spanning from natural scene to remote sensing images.
A large-scale year-round tiny wind turbine dataset of satellite images. It has 8k+ images, a very tiny object size of 3–6 pixels, and 700k+ annotations in�...
In the training stage, two important hyper-parameters are the decoder feature dimension C and the feature embed- ding D1 in Eq. 7 during the computation of�...
Apr 19, 2024In this paper, we propose a novel and effective approach, named deep adaptive proposal network (DAPNet), address this complexity characteristic�...
This repo is for the paper "TinyWT: A Large-Scale Wind Turbine Dataset of Satellite Images for Tiny Object Detection", which has been accepted by the WACV 2024�...
Aug 20, 2024TinyWT: A Large-Scale Wind Turbine Dataset of Satellite Images for Tiny Object Detection. WACV (Workshops) 2024: 794-804. [i2]. view.
TinyWT: A Large-Scale Wind Turbine Dataset of Satellite Images for Tiny Object Detection � Environmental Science, Computer Science. 2024 IEEE/CVF Winter�...
TinyWT: A Large-Scale Wind Turbine Dataset of Satellite Images for Tiny Object Detection � GitHub � thecvf, ➖. CNet: A Novel Seabed Coral Reef Image�...
Jan 7, 20242:40-2:52 – TinyWT: A Large-Scale Wind Turbine Dataset of Satellite Images for Tiny Object Detection Mingye Zhu (University of Science and�...
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Aug 8, 2024TinyWT: A Large-Scale Wind Turbine Dataset of Satellite Images for Tiny Object Detection. Conference Paper. Jan 2024. Mingye Zhu � Zhicheng Yang�...