In this paper, we further develop one of the most successful approaches, namely roof duality, for approximately solving such problems for higher-order models.
Two new methods that can be applied independently or in combination are investigated. The first one is based on constructing relaxations using generators of the�...
Apr 26, 2016In the second method, it is shown that the roof dual bound can be applied in an iterated way in order to obtain a tighter relaxation. We�...
Abstract. Many problems in computer vision can be turned into a large-scale boolean optimization problem, which is in general NP-hard.
Two new methods that can be applied independently or in combination are investigated. The first one is based on constructing relaxations using generators of the�...
In this paper, we further develop one of the most successful approaches, namely roof duality, for approximately solving such problems for higher-order models.
The primary focus of this paper is to generalize the roof duality framework for higher-order pseudo-boolean functions. ... In recent years, there has been an�...
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On the conceptual level, our results show that bisubmodular functions provide a natural generalization of the roof duality approach to higher-order terms. This�...
Tighter relaxations for higher-order models based on generalized roof duality. J Fredriksson, C Olsson, P Strandmark, F Kahl. Computer Vision–ECCV 2012�...
Finally, we show some relationships between general totally half-integral relaxations and relaxations based on the roof duality. ... Higher-order clique reduction�...