Nov 22, 2000The performance of optical wireless OOK, 2-PPM and spread spectrum under the effects of multipath dispersion and artificial light interference.
Indoor wireless infrared transmission systems are mainly affected by ambient light-induced shot noise, multipath dispersion and the interference produced by�...
Considering bandwidth efficiency, 2-PPM and BPSK have equal bandwidth requirements, being twice that needed for OOK. Thus, OOK emerges as the most suitable�...
Compared with PPM and DPIM, DH-PIM offers higher transmission rate and requires marginally higher optical power when the severity of the multipath dispersion is�...
Indoor wireless infrared transmission systems are mainly affected by ambient light-induced shot noise, multipath dispersion and the interference produced by�...
Indoor wireless infrared transmission systems are mainly affected by ambient light-induced shot noise, multipath dispersion and the interference produced by�...
2011. The performance of optical wireless OOK, 2‐PPM and spread spectrum under the effects of multipath dispersion and artificial light interference. KK Wong�...
The performance of optical wireless OOK, 2‐PPM and spread spectrum under the effects of multipath dispersion and artificial light interference. Citing�...
The performance of optical wireless OOK, 2-PPM and spread spectrum under the effects of multipath dispersion and artificial light interference � Simulation of�...
OOK, 2-PPM and spread spectrum under the effects of multipath dispersion and artificial light interference," International Journal of Communication Systems, vol�...