The results show that strategies prioritizing the human's objective, or balancing between the robot's and the human's objectives can effectively improve participants' perception of the robot and create a collaborative environment.
Nov 9, 2021This paper evaluates the influence of a robot's strategy and decision making on the participants' perception of the robot. We designed an online�...
This paper evaluates the influence of a robot's strategy and decision making on the participants' perception of the robot. We designed an on- line experiment�...
Nov 24, 2021The E ect of Robot Decision Making on Human Perception of a Robot in a Collaborative Task - A Remote Study ; Kazuhiro Kosuge, and Oussama Khatib�...
The results show that strategies prioritizing the human's objective, or balancing between the robot''s and the human's objectives can effectively improve�...
The Effect of Robot Decision Making on Human Perception of a Robot in a Collaborative Task-A Remote Study ... The Effect of Robot Decision Making on Human�...
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In Section 4, we analyze the results, emphasizing participants' perceptions of the robot, tasks, collaboration, and how these factors impact their decision-�...
These factors, together with the perception of the situation and environment, play significant roles in influencing human decision making during collaborative�...