Overcoming the memory wall [15] may be achieved by increasing the bandwidth and reducing the latency of the processor to memory connection, for example by�...
The authors contend that there is an open question regarding the potential, ideal approach to parallelism from the programmer's perspective. For example, at�...
Abstract. Overcoming the memory wall [15] may be achieved by in- creasing the bandwidth and reducing the latency of the processor to.
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Jason M. McGuiness, Colin Egan, Bruce Christianson , Guang Gao: The Challenges of Efficient Code-Generation for Massively Parallel Architectures.
Automatic partitioning, scheduling and code generation are of major importance in the development of compilers for massively parallel architectures.
Supercompilers look for the best execution order of the statement instances in the most compute intensive kernels. It has been extensively shown that the�...
Live Range Aware Cache Architecture, 38. The Challenges of Efficient Code-Generation for Massively Parallel Architectures, 39. Reliable Systolic Computing�...
Nov 4, 2015In this article, we investigate how code optimization techniques and low-power states of general-purpose processors improve the power efficiency�...