T-REx: A Large Scale Alignment of Natural Language with Knowledge Base Triples ; Anthology ID: L18-1544 ; Volume: Proceedings of the Eleventh International�...
With 11 million triple alignments made from 3.09 million DBpedia abstracts (6.2 million sentences), T-REx is two orders of magnitude larger than the largest�...
T-Rex : A Large Scale Alignment of Natural Language with Knowledge Base Triples. This repository contains the extraction framework for T-REx Dataset. More�...
A dataset of large scale alignments between Wikipedia abstracts and Wikidata triples. T-REx consists of 11 million triples aligned with 3.09 million�...
May 7, 2018T-REx, a dataset of large scale alignments between Wikipedia abstracts and Wikidata triples, is presented, which is two orders of magnitude�...
T-REx: A Large Scale Alignment of Natural Language with Knowledge Base Triples ... Knowledge Base Population � Question Answering � Relation Extraction � Text�...
Abstract. Alignments between natural language and Knowledge Base (KB) triples are an essential prerequisite for training machine learning.
Dec 13, 2021Using T-rex dataset with OpenNMT ... REx : A Large Scale Alignment of Natural Language with Knowledge Base Triples). ... t-rex dataset. Is there a�...
Feb 2, 2018Alignments between natural language and Knowledge Base (KB) triples are an essential prerequisite for training machine learning approaches�...
May 7, 2018T-REx: A Large Scale Alignment of Natural Language with Knowledge Base Triples ... Published with Wowchemy — the free, open source website builder�...