... This work shows that the collaboration is an effective approach to addressing the distributed knowledge management problems in healthcare. Bravo et al. [4]�...
Abstract—Ambient Intelligence promotes a shift in computing which involves fitting-out the environments with devices to support context-aware applications.
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Ambient intelligence promotes a shift in computing which involves fitting-out the environments with devices to support context-aware applications.
In this paper, based on the understanding of informal communication in hospitals, we identify opportunities for the use of social networking software in support�...
Informal means of communication include, for example, “hallway consultations” and placing “sticky notes” on charts or computer screens. Formal mechanisms of�...
Nov 4, 2007Most CSCW research on informal communication has focused on office environments. I propose to conduct a field study to understand and�...
We highlight the importance of informal communication in supporting patient care and the gaps in the system contributing to their necessity.
The Resource Support Meeting is an option for those providers who provide services in a clinic-based office, residential setting, or hospital-based setting�...
Feb 9, 2023A supportive workplace culture can mitigate the negative effects allowing for a smooth transition during hospital organizational change. In this�...
We report a qualitative study involving 165 interviews across three healthcare organisations in two high-income countries.