In this paper, we clarify the properties of the contract net protocol based on its formal specification. To specify the contract net protocol,�...
Nov 1, 2002Summary: In this paper, we clarify the properties of the contract net protocol based on its formal specification. To specify the contract net�...
In this paper, we clarify the properties of the contract net protocol based on its formal specification. To specify the contract net protocol,�...
Contract Net Protocol (CNP) is a high-level task-sharing interaction protocol for agent communication in distributed environments.
Modelling with finite- state machines shows that the modified protocol can function correctly and behave properly even with invalid input or time delay.
The proposed Competitive Contract Net Protocol has been designed to facilitate a flexible cooperation in competitive multi-agent environments and to support�...
A smart contract is a computer program which allows users to automate their actions on the blockchain platform. Given the significance of smart contracts in�...
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Application of contract net protocol requires the development of a bid evaluation procedure specific to the problem. Care must be taken to apply contract�...
Jan 4, 2001Optimistic contract signing protocols allow two parties to commit to a previously agreed upon contract, relying on a third party to abort or�...
Sep 20, 2023This paper establishes a model of multi-UAV cooperative reconnaissance task reassignment that comprehensively considers various dynamic factors.