One popular method for reconstructing species trees from unrooted gene tree topologies is ASTRAL. In this paper, we derive theoretical sample complexity results�...
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Abstract—Species tree reconstruction from genomic data is increasingly performed using methods that account for sources of gene.
Results: We present ASTRAL, a fast method for estimating species trees from multiple genes. ASTRAL is statistically consistent, can run on datasets with�...
More broadly, the number of genes required for correct species tree estimation using ASTRAL is proven to grow proportionally to log N and to x −2 [49]. ... ...
Oct 5, 2018We first ask how many gene trees are sufficient for ASTRAL* to reconstruct the true species tree with high probability. Theorem 2.1�...
Sep 1, 2018One popular method for reconstructing species trees from unrooted gene tree topologies is ASTRAL. In this paper, we derive theoretical sample�...
May 8, 2018While ASTRAL-II can analyze datasets with a thousand species and gene trees in reasonable time, it does not easily scale to many tens of�...
Jun 10, 2015In particular, we show that ASTRAL can analyze 1000 species and 1000 genes in about a day, using a single processor. The comparison between�...
Sample Complexity: This paper established the theoretical sample complexity (i.e., number of required genes) for ASTRAL. Shekhar, Shubhanshu, Sebastien Roch,�...
• They suggest removing genes with many fragments ... How many genes are enough to reconstruct the tree? ... or high gene tree estimation error, ASTRAL tends to.