Our system will simultaneously learn the state space and the action to execute on each state. The learning algorithm will attempt to maximise the time before a�...
Our system will simultaneously learn the state space and the action to execute on each state. The learning algorithm will attempt to maximise the time before a�...
This article describes a proposal to achieve fast robot learning from its interaction with the environment that will use an ensemble of learners able to�...
This paper, structured in four parts, constitutes a first attempt at organizing some insights regarding the complex relationship between economics and the other�...
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One of the main problems of robots is the lack of adaptability and the need for adjustment every time the robot changes its working place.
Simultaneous learning of perception and action in mobile robots ; Dynamic Based SMC of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots. Jafar Keighobadi, Mohammad Sadeghi Shahidi,�...
This paper presents a new learning approach for autonomous robots. Our system will learn simultaneously the perception - the set of states relevant to the�...
May 21, 20241.2 Learning to SPIN: Our robot learns to Simultaneously Perceive, Interact, and N avigate around cluttered unstructured environments in a�...
May 13, 2024Figure 1. Learning to SPIN: Our robot learns to simultaneously perceive, manipulate, and navigate cluttered unstructured environments.
In this work, we present a reactive mobile manipulation framework that uses an active visual system to consciously perceive and react to its environment.