Jun 11, 2011In this paper, we analyze two recently proposed RFID authentication protocols. Both protocols are vulnerable to tag information leakage and�...
In this paper, we analyze two recently proposed RFID authentication protocols. Both protocols are vulnerable to tag information leakage and untraceability�...
This paper analyzes two recently proposed RFID authentication protocols and finds that both protocols are vulnerable to tag information leakage and�...
In this paper, we analyze two recently proposed RFID authentication protocols. Both protocols are vulnerable to tag information leakage and untraceability�...
Abstract Radio frequency identification (RFID) sys- tems suffer many security risks because they use an insecure wireless communication channel between tag�...
In this paper, we analyze the security of two recently proposed RFID authentication protocols for mobile reader. Firstly, a protocol proposed by Wei et al.
A scalable authentication protocol is proposed for security and efficient RFID communication. The performance evaluation and security analysis has proved its�...
Strong authentication and strong integrity (SASI) is the first ultra-lightweight authentication protocol introduced rotation shift operation and RFID�...
In this paper, we consider the security of two recently proposed typical RFID authentication protocols: RAPLT protocol and SRP+ protocol. RAPLT protocol is a�...
Abstract. In this paper, we analyze the security vulnerabilities of two ultra-lightweight RFID mutual authentication protocols: LMAP and.