Sep 7, 2020The best known upper bounds have shares of length exponential in n, whereas the strongest lower bound shows that the shares must have length at least.
Either Reconstruction is Hard or Shares are Long. Kasper Green Larsen ... This lower bound holds as long as we require that unauthorized parties cannot recover�...
A secret sharing scheme allows a dealer to distribute shares of a secret among a set of n parties such that any authorized subset of parties can reconstruct�...
Sep 14, 2020A secret sharing scheme allows a dealer to distribute shares of a secret among a set of n parties such that any authorized subset of parties�...
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A secret sharing scheme allows a dealer to distribute shares of a secret among a set of n parties $$P=\{p:1,\dots,p_n\}$$ such that any authorized subset of�...
Secret Sharing Lower Bound: Either Reconstruction is Hard or Shares are Long. Kasper Green Larsen Mark Simkin. Published in: SCN (2020). Keyphrases.
A secret sharing scheme permits a secret to be shared among participants ... Secret Sharing Lower Bound: Either Reconstruction is Hard or Shares are Long.
A secret sharing scheme permits a secret to be shared among participants in such a way that only qualified subsets of partecipants can recover the secret,�...
Secret Sharing Lower Bound: Either Reconstruction is Hard or Shares are Long ... bound of Csirmaz implies an exponential lower bound on evolve secret sharing�...
Towards an Exponential Lower Bound for Secret Sharing � Kasper Green Larsen ... Secret Sharing Lower Bound: Either Reconstruction is Hard or Shares are Long.