The safety precautions taken for industrial robot installations are restricted to design measures on the robot body, to providing for a high functional safety�...
This article focuses on system safety and security as they were identified as critical to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA) of systems.
With increasing levels of integration, e.g. with Industry 5.0, these standards need to evolve to provide for sustainability in a globally interconnected world.
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This study aims to develop a new human capital framework that guides the logistics industry towards successfully implementing and managing Logistics 4.0�...
With increasing levels of integration, e.g. with Industry 5.0, these standards need to evolve to provide for sustainability in a globally interconnected world.
Jan 31, 2024Industry 4.0 is all about leveraging data, but here's the catch – the more IoT and industrial IoT devices you have, the bigger the cybersecurity�...
With increasing levels of integration, e.g. with Industry 5.0, these standards need to evolve to provide for sustainability in a globally interconnected world.
Itisavendor-independentcommunicationprotocolforindustrial automationapplications.OPCUAstandardswereincorporatedintoIndustry4.0designsfor�...
Safety-oriented automation solutions in industrial plants must now encompass more than just safe emergency shutdown (ESD); but also provide effective protection�...
As open standards like OPC UA were introduced to facilitate the interoperability of devices, safety and security standards were only gradually incorporated�...