Abstract. Imaging roots of growing plants in a non-invasive and affordable fashion has been a long-standing problem in image-assisted plant breeding and�...
This work proposes an effective deep neural network to recover gaps from disconnected root segments that can work both in dicot and monocot cases in�...
Imaging roots of growing plants in a non-invasive and affordable fashion has been a long-standing problem in image-assisted plant breeding and phenotyping.
Sep 6, 2018We propose an effective deep neural network to recover gaps from disconnected root segments. We train a fully supervised encoder-decoder deep�...
Herein, we develop an image inpainting technique to recover gaps from disconnected root segments. We train a patch-based deep fully convolutional network using�...
GAN model presents a robust, effective and automatic so- lution for inpainting plant root gaps, leading to improved accuracy within the phenotyping pipeline.
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2019. 19, 2019. Root gap correction with a deep inpainting model. H Chen, MV Giuffrida�...
Mar 13, 2024Our patching method consists in sliding a 32x32x32 pixel-size portion ( P P \mathbf{P} bold_P ) over the gap area and making a prediction at�...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2019. 19, 2019. Root gap correction with a deep inpainting model. H Chen, MV Giuffrida�...