This work extends the PROSPECT model by taking into account the variation of leaf surface reflection. In the modified model named PROSPECT-Rsurf, an additional�...
Jun 19, 2024This work extends the PROSPECT model by taking into account the variation of leaf surface reflection. In the modified model named PROSPECT�...
Jul 2, 2019This work extends the PROSPECT model by taking into account the variation of leaf surface reflection. In the modified model named PROSPECT-Rsurf�...
The surface effects on leaf optical properties are simplified by using αsurf in all existing versions of the PROSPECT model. Since αsurf is constant and the�...
In this study, we developed a neural network model for LCC retrieval from ENVISAT MERIS data based on radiative transfer model simulations.
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This study aims at examining the effect of leaf position on the performance of the PROSPECT model in modelling leaf optical properties and retrieving leaf�...
This study aims to investigate the stability of the PROSPECT model for retrieving leaf chlorophyll (Chl) content (Cab). Leaf hemispherical reflectance and�...
Chlorophyll content (Cab) retrieval and spectral reconstruction in the visible spectral region (VIS, 400–750 nm) were greatly improved using PROSPECT-Rsurf,�...
Oct 18, 2022This study aims to propose a new red-edge chlorophyll index to decouple the effects of the canopy and soil background from the Chlleaf�...
Relationships between leaf chlorophyll content and spectral reflectance and algorithms for non-destructive chlorophyll assessment in higher plant leaves.