Apr 24, 2021The key feature of our model is its ability to aggregate three different-level features (local context, scene, and dataset-level) to�...
A novel transformer-based framework, dubbed as RelTransformer, which performs relationship prediction using rich semantic features from multiple image�...
RelTransformer � Our Architecture � Compilation � Annotations � Images � Pre-trained Object Detection Models � Evaluating Pre-trained Relationship Detection models.
The key feature of our model is its ability to aggregate three different-level features (local context, scene, and dataset-level) to compositionally predict the�...
Visual relationship recognition (VRR) is a fundamental scene understanding task. The structure that VRR provides is essential to improve the AI�...
Apr 24, 2021The method, called RelTransformer, represents each image as a fully-connected scene ... scene into the relation-triplet and global-scene contexts.
Title: RelTransformer: Balancing the Visual Relationship Detection from Local Context, Scene and Memory. Publication Date: 2021-04-24. Handle: 10754/668993�...
The method, called RelTransformer, represents each image as a fully-connected scene graph and restructures the whole scene into the relation-triplet and global-�...
The method, called RelTransformer, represents each im- age as a fully-connected scene graph and restructures the whole scene into the relation-triplet and�...
Apr 25, 2024RelTransformer: Balancing the Visual Relationship Detection from Local Context, Scene and Memory. CoRR abs/2104.11934 (2021); 2020. [i2]. view.