Abstract. We discuss how to recover a secret bitstring given partial information obtained during a computation over that string, assuming the computation is�...
We discuss how to recover a secret bitstring given partial information obtained during a computation over that string, assuming the computation is a...
We discuss how to recover a secret bitstring given partial information obtained during a computation over that string, assuming the computation is a�...
We also discuss how to cope with imperfect leakage, extend the model to k-bit leaks, and show how our algorithm yields attacks on popular cryptosystems such as�...
We discuss how to recover a secret bitstring given partial information obtained during a computation over that string, assuming the computation is a�...
... Recovering Secrets From Prefix-Dependent Leakage. Houda Ferradi, R�mi G�raud ... leakage-resilient public-key cryptography. Suvradip Chakraborty, Janaka�...
In this section we present an equivalence between prefix codes for the integers and secret sharing schemes for 1-bit secrets and the evolving 2-threshold access�...
Recovering Secrets From Prefix-Dependent Leakage. J. Math. Cryptol. 14(1): 15-24 (2020). [j6]. view. electronic edition via DOI (open access) � references�...
Jun 14, 2020In this paper, we present two new techniques to reduce the cost of SIDH-based NIKE, with various possible tradeoffs between key size and computational cost.
This work explores injection attacks against password managers. In this setting, the adversary (only) controls their own application client, which they use�...