This paper describes a methodology to identify European regions as providers of structural riparian corridors, and to rank them with reference to conservation�...
Ranking European regions as providers of structural riparian corridors for conservation and management purposes. April 2013; International Journal of Applied�...
A methodology to identify European regions as providers of structural riparian corridors, and to rank them with reference to conservation priority is�...
The ranking is performed using a simple set of indices that take into account the degree of environmental pressure and the presence of land protection schemes.
Apr 1, 2013The ranking is performed using a simple set of indices that take into account the degree of environmental pressure and the presence of land�...
Bibliographic details on Ranking European regions as providers of structural riparian corridors for conservation and management purposes.
Ranking European regions as providers of structural riparian corridors for conservation and management purposes. Nicola Clerici, Peter Vogt. Research output�...
Ranking European regions as providers of structural riparian corridors for conservation and management purposes. Riparian zones are of utmost importance in�...
Riparian zones are of utmost importance in providing a range of ecological and societal services. Among these, their role in maintaining landscape�...
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Nov 14, 2018Ranking European regions as providers of structural riparian corridors for conservation and management purposes. International Journal of�...