In this poster abstract, we propose BUFS, a bottom-up and foundational approach for verifying the security of the software stack in an IoT system, to provide�...
Poster Abstract: BUFS: Towards Bottom-Up Foundational Security for Software in the Internet-of-Things. Jiaqi Tan, Rajeev Gandhi, Priya Narasimhan. Dept. of�...
For instance, Tan et al. in [131] proposed a bottom-up and foundational approach for verifying the security of the software stack in an IoT system, which is�...
Bibliographic details on Poster Abstract: BUFS: Towards Bottom-Up Foundational Security for Software in the Internet-of-Things.
Poster Abstract: BUFS: Towards Bottom-Up Foundational Security for Software in the Internet-of-Things pp. 107-108. Poster Abstract: Hierarchical Serverless�...
The goal of my Ph.D. thesis research is to develop a technique and tool-chain which enables developers to obtain machine-code programs which have isolation (�...
Poster Abstract: BUFS: Towards Bottom-Up Foundational Security for Software in ... Poster Abstract: EdgeEye: Fine Grained Traffic Visibility at Wireless Network�...
Poster Abstract: Extending Trust and Attestation to ... Poster Abstract: BUFS: Towards Bottom-Up Foundational Security for Software in the Internet-of-Things.
Precedence & Issues of IoT based on Edge Computing � Poster Abstract: BUFS: Towards Bottom-Up Foundational Security for Software in the Internet-of-Things.
... Towards Bottom-Up Foundational Security for Software in the Internet-of-Things ... BUFS is a secure-by-construction approach that verifies that IoT software�...