In this paper, we consider a mean–variance model that takes into account both the ambiguity-seeking and ambiguity-aversion attitudes.
It was observed from the return statistics of the back-test period that a hopeful investor can outperform the benchmark markets during times of pandemic and�...
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We propose a multi-stage stochastic mean absolute deviation model with random transaction costs in optimal portfolio selection. We take implicit costs incurred�...
Jan 11, 2022Two cases of parameter certainty are considered: uncertainty in the factor's mean and covariance matrix, and uncertainty in the sensitivity�...
In this paper, we develop α -robust (maxmin) models, where the Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR) is to be optimized under ambiguity in distribution, mean returns�...
This research paper explores the complicated connection between uncertainty and the Markowitz asset allocation framework.
The classical mean-variance model, proposed by Harry Markowitz in 1952, has been one of the most powerful tools in the field of portfolio optimization.
Aug 25, 2020We study the properties of the developed approach using critical examples of portfolios with interval and fuzzy valued returns.
Portfolio selection with parameter uncertainty under α maxmin mean-variance criterion � Option trading under uncertainty � Optimal reinsurance under the α-maxmin�...
Dec 6, 2023Abstract: This paper elucidates the impact of uncertainty on the Markowitz asset allocation and how it performs.