... Phonetic consistency in Spanish for pin-based speaker verification system. Proc. 6th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP 2000), vol.
Phonetic Consistency in Spanish for Pin-Based Speaker Verification System � Description � Institution's contribution to the journal � Quality index.
Oct 20, 2000Phonetic consistency in Spanish for pin-based speaker verification system. J. Ortega-Garcia, J. G. Rodriguez, D. T. Merino � An auditory�...
The use of uttered Personal Identification Numbers (PIN) is a well-suited approach for person identification through voice in real applications.
The phonological and phonetic development of new vowel contrasts in Spanish learners of English.
Jun 4, 2024We propose a novel language-universal approach to end-to-end automatic spoken keyword recognition (SKR) leveraging upon.
We suggest that the perception of spoken words is socially weighted, resulting in sparse, but high-resolution clusters of socially idealized episodes.
Abstract. Speech recognizers are typically trained with data from a stan- dard dialect and do not generalize to non-standard dialects. Mis-.
This paper presents a sociolinguistic analysis of the variable devoicing of /ʒ/ in Buenos Aires Spanish, a phenomenon previously characterized as a change�...
Missing: verification | Show results with:verification
This paper examines how listeners of various ages within one US community in Chicago produce and perceive vowels implicated in the region's characteristic�...