Nov 27, 2019In this section, we propose a personalized recommendation based on tag semantics in the heterogeneous information network - PTRS. Algorithm�...
In this paper, we study the entity recommendation problem in heterogeneous information networks. Specifically, we propose to combine heterogeneous relationship�...
In this paper, we propose a Bayesian Personalized Ranking(BPR) based machine learning method, called HeteLearn, to learn the weights of links in a HIN. In order�...
We propose to study entity rec- ommendation problem in the aforementioned heterogeneous network environment, aiming to take advantage of different types of�...
We conduct experiments on three real datasets to show that SemRec can achieve better recommendation performance by flexible information integrating via weighted�...
SemRec: a personalized semantic recommendation method based on weighted heterogeneous information networks ... Tagging Systems Based on Ternary Semantic�...
We first present a user preference diffusion based feature generation method, and then define a recommendation func- tion with these features. We discuss the�...
Mar 5, 2021This paper proposes an efficient recommendation algorithm based on heterogeneous information network, which uses the characteristics of graph convolution�...
Most of heterogeneous information network (HIN) based recommendation models are based on the user and item modeling with meta-paths. How- ever, they always�...
SemRec: a personalized semantic recommendation method based on weighted heterogeneous information networks � Computer Science. World Wide Web � 2018.