Mar 18, 2024Therefore, our breakthrough introduces a personalized federated learning framework, catering to unique regional smart warehouse needs and�...
Mar 18, 2024Therefore, our breakthrough introduces a personalized federated learning framework, catering to unique regional smart warehouse needs and�...
May 4, 2024Therefore, our breakthrough introduces a personalized federated learning framework, catering to unique regional smart warehouse needs and�...
We demonstrate the SACPFL framework for the wireless sensor cargo classification task in a smart warehouse process. Wireless sensors at the local device�...
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We propose a novel personalized federated learning framework, SACPFL, whose core goal is to improve decision-making accuracy and accomplish personalization.
May 1, 2023The goal of federated learning is to train a high-performance global model cooperatively by multiple clients by transferring models instead of�...
We propose a novel personalized federated learning framework, SACPFL, whose core goal is to improve decision-making accuracy and�...
Personalized Federated Learning for Goods Classification in Wireless Sensor-Assisted Smart Warehouses. IEEE Trans. Consumer Electron. 70(1): 4178-4186 (2024)�...
Personalized Federated Learning for Goods Classification in Wireless Sensor-Assisted Smart Warehouses. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics. 2024�...