A parallel text is a text placed alongside its translation or translations. Parallel text alignment is the identification of the corresponding sentences in both halves of the parallel text. The Loeb Classical Library and the Clay Sanskrit Library are two examples of dual-language series of texts.
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InterText is an editor for aligned parallel texts. It has been developed for the project InterCorp to edit and manage alignments of multiple parallel language�...
Parallel texts are differing presentations of the same content. An alignment among parallel texts is a mapping of content in one text to content in another�...
Jun 6, 2021A parallel corpus is obtained by aligning the units of text between the original-simplified pairs. The alignment can be done at different levels�...
Bleualign is a tool to align parallel texts (ie a text and its translation) on a sentence level. Additionally to the source and target text, Bleualign requires�...
InterText is a flexible manager and editor for alignment of parallel texts aimed both at individual and collaborative creation of parallel corpora of any size�...
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The applications based upon parallel corpora are numerous and growing in multilingual lexicography and terminology, machine and human translation, cross-�...
Abstract. Parallel Text Alignment (PTA) is the auto- matic content alignment of multiple text documents orig- inating or derived from the same source.
Parallel text provides the maximum utility when it is sentence aligned. The sentence alignment process maps sentences in the source text to their translation.
A parallel text is the set formed by a text and its translation (in which case it is called a bitext) or translations. Parallel text alignment is the task of�...