A view-free image stitching network based on global homography,” Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, p. 102950, 2020.
Compared with existing methods, our solution is parallax-tolerant and free from laborious designs of complicated geometric features for specific scenes.
An overview of the proposed parallax-tolerant unsupervised deep image stitching network. Our unsupervised framework consists of two stages: warp and composition�...
An overview of the proposed parallax-tolerant unsupervised deep image stitching network. Our unsupervised framework consists of two stages: warp and composition�...
Compared with existing methods, our solution is parallax-tolerant and free from laborious designs of complicated geometric features for specific scenes.
The core idea of these methods is to design optimal features (points, lines, or energy functions) to achieve image alignment.However, the spinal X-ray�...
This work proposes a parallax-tolerant unsupervised deep image stitching technique that is parallax-tolerant and free from laborious designs of complicated�...
Compared with existing methods, our solution is parallax-tolerant and free from laborious designs of complicated geometric features for specific scenes.
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UDIS-D is a large image dataset for image stitching or image registration. It contains different overlap rates, varying degrees of parallax, and variable�...