The MEDIQA 2021 shared tasks at the BioNLP 2021 workshop addressed three tasks on summarization for medical text.
This paper systematically summarize recent advances that explore pre-trained language models for biomedical text summarization.
MEDIQA 2021 tackles three summarization tasks in the medical domain: consumer health question summarization, multi-answer summarization, and radiology report�...
This paper summarizes the medical effects of passive smoking and reviews the role of litigation, legislation, and private regulation in the area of ETS. Read�...
MEDIQA 2021 tackles three summarization tasks in the medical domain. In this shared task, we will also explore the use of different evaluation metrics for�...
Overview of the MEDIQA 2021 Shared Task on Summarization in the Medical Domain ... tasks at the BioNLP 2021 workshop addressed three tasks on summarization�...
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MEDIQA 2021 tackles three summarization tasks in the medical domain. In this shared task, we will also explore the use of different evaluation metrics for�...
Abstract. This paper presents the overview of the MEDIQA-Sum task at ImageCLEF 2023. MEDIQA-Sum 2023 includes three subtasks, in which a doctor-patient�...
The shared task addressed two of the challenges faced by medical video question answering: (I) a video classification task that explores new approaches to�...
Overview of the MEDIQA 2021 Shared Task on Summarization in the Medical Domain. Conference Paper. Full-text available. Jan 2021. Asma Ben Abacha�...