OpenFlow, an open standard that enables software-defined networking in IP networks, is a new network technology that will enable many new applications and new ways of managing networks.
Jun 20, 2012
OpenFlow: A Radical New Idea in Networking: An open standard that enables software-defined networking.
OpenFlow allows direct access to and manipulation of the forwarding plane of network devices both physical and virtual devices such as switches and routers.
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Computer Communications (Networks) � OpenFlow. Article. OpenFlow: A Radical New Idea in Networking: An open standard that enables software-defined networking.
My ACM Queue magazine article OpenFlow: A Radical New Idea in Networking has been re-printed by CACM. Their version uses a different font and adds an�...
Queue Magazine (part of ACM) has published my description of OpenFlow. It's basically "the rant I give at parties when someone asks me to explain OpenFlow�...
OpenFlow: A Radical New Idea in Networking. An open standard that enables software-defined networking. Thomas A. Limoncelli�...
Mar 28, 2021This week marks the 13th anniversary of Nick McKeown's influential paper proposing OpenFlow as an interface to open the network to more innovation.
Mar 3, 2021As initially conceived, OpenFlow was a modest step. It allowed a user-defined control program to specify which packets should be dropped,�...
Dynamic network reconfiguration; One place for apps to interact (auth & auth, etc). * OpenFlow: A radical New idea in Networking, Thomas A. Limoncelli CACM 08�...