May 14, 2013In this work, we consider a multirelay network that consists of both cooperative and malicious relays, and aims to obtain an improved�...
Abstract—Multirelay networks exploit spatial diversity by trans- mitting user's messages through multiple relay paths. Most works.
This work considers a multirelay network that consists of both cooperative and malicious relays, and aims to obtain an improved understanding on the optimal�...
In this work, we consider a multirelay network that consists of both cooperative and malicious relays, and aims to obtain an improved understanding on the�...
Dive into the research topics of 'On cooperative and malicious behaviors in multirelay fading channels'. Together they form a unique fingerprint. Sort by�...
In this paper, we investigate performance of cooperative diversity in the presence of a semi-malicious relay which does not conform to rules of cooperation at�...
2016. On cooperative and malicious behaviors in multirelay fading channels. MH Chen, SC Lin, YWP Hong, X Zhou. IEEE transactions on information forensics and�...
The performance of Selection cooperation in the presence of a malicious relay is analyzed. The malicious relay introduces a new form of Denial of Service�...
Abstract—. A multi-relay network works spatial multifariousness by transmitting user's messages through multiple relay paths. Assume that all terminals are�...
On cooperative and malicious behaviors in multirelay fading channels. MH Chen, SC Lin, YWP Hong, X Zhou. IEEE transactions on information forensics and security�...