The objections are ordered in the following way: (1) as related to the (supposed) nature of computers; (2) as related to semantics; (3) against computational�...
In this paper, I review the objections against the claim that brains are computers, or, to be precise, information-processing mechanisms.
Abstract. In this paper, I review the objections against the claim that brains are computers, or, to be precise, information- processing mechanisms.
obJections to computationalism: a survey summary in this paper, the author reviewed the typical objections against the claim that brains are computers, or�...
Oct 4, 2018The survey suggests that the majority of objections fail just because they make computationalism a straw man. Some of them, however, have shown�...
People also ask
Jan 6, 2019In this paper, the Author reviewed the typical objections against the claim that brains are computers, or, to be more precise, information-�...
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Marcin Milkowski: Objections to Computationalism. A Short Survey. CogSci 2017. a service of Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz Center for Informatics.
Block, Ned. “The Mind as the Software of the Brain.” In An Invitation to Cognitive Science, edited by Daniel N. Osherson, Lila Gleitman, & Stephen Kosslyn.
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In this paper, I review the objections against the claim that brains are computers, or, to be precise, information-processing mechanisms.
In this paper, I review the objections against the claim that brains are computers, or, to be precise, information-processing mechanisms.