Jun 29, 2023We propose a new model synchronization method named Overlapped Synchronization Parallel (OSP), which achieves efficient communication with a 2-stage�...
Sep 13, 2023We propose a new model synchronization method named Overlapped Synchronization Parallel (OSP), which achieves efficient communication with a 2-stage�...
We propose OSP, a novel and efficient synchronization model that improves the throughput of DDL training by overlapping communication and computation. This�...
Jul 9, 2023The prototype of OSP has been implemented using PyTorch and evaluated on commonly used deep learning models and datasets with a 9-node testbed.
The prototype of OSP has been implemented using PyTorch and evaluated on commonly used deep learning models and datasets with a 9-node testbed. Evaluation�...
OSP [31] uses a 2-stage synchronization to reduce communication and speed up the training throughput. Local SGD [49] allows all workers to run a specific number�...
Jun 24, 2024I am in the process of training a PyTorch mode across multiple GPUs (Using DDP). I had been under the impression that synchronisation happened automatically.
Missing: OSP: Boosting
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... Model Training upon GPU and CPU in Parallel. Zhenxing Li, Qiang Cao, Yajie Chen, Wenrui Yan. OSP: Boosting Distributed Model Training with 2-stage�...
OSP: Boosting Distributed Model Training with 2-stage Synchronization. Z Chen, L Shi, X Liu, J Li, S Liu, Y Xu. Proceedings of the 52nd International Conference�...
OSP: Boosting Distributed Model Training with 2-stage Synchronization ... However, these two types of methods can result in accuracy loss due to�...