/*** Nonmonotonic Parallel Inheritance Network in GHC ***/. ~ inheritance procedure ~ pi(Class,Props,Tail):- true property(Class,Props,Temp), is_a(Class�...
/*** Nonmonotonic Parallel Inheritance Network in GHC ***/. %%% inheritance procedure %%% pi(Class, Props,Tail):- true | property (Class, Props, Temp), is_a�...
When multiple inheritance is considered in a nonmonotonic inheritance network, there is ... /*** Nonmonotonic Parallel Inheritance Network in GHC ***/. %%%�...
This paper discusses a theory of nonmonotonic inheritance reasoning in semantic network and presents a parallel inheritance algorithm based on this approach.
Nonmonotonic parallel inheritance network / by C. Sakama & A. Okumura. Available at Perry-Casta�eda Library PCL Stacks (QA 76.952 I57)�...
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We investigate the performance of parallel nonmonotonic multiple inheritance reasoners based on Weighted Inheritance Networks, for two important problems�...
Feb 1, 2023This paper describes a new approach to inheritance reasoning in semantic networks allowing for multiple inheritance with exceptions.
Missing: Parallel | Show results with:Parallel
Jun 4, 2005Nonmonotonic multiple inheritance systems are the most powerful in their expressiveness. They allow a class to inherit properties from multiple�...
This paper describes a new approach to inheritance rea- soning in semantic networks allowing for multiple inheritance with exceptions. Like the previous�...
of nonmonotonic inheritance reasoning and argumentation. We show that the credulous semantics of nonmonotonic inheritance network can be cap- tured by the�...