This document describes new models and methodologies that we apply to three families of packing problems. We first study decomposition methods and�...
Nov 7, 2012New collaborative approaches for bin-packing problems. Recherche op�rationnelle. [math.OC]. Universit� de Technologie de Compi�gne, 2010. tel�...
Fran�ois Clautiaux: New collaborative approaches for bin-packing problems. University of Technology of Compi�gne, France, 2010. manage site settings.
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Nov 1, 2023To represent the mathematical model of this problem, a variable yi is introduced to represent the bin number where the i-th item is placed.
Apr 24, 2023The Bin Packing Problem is a tool to optimize e-commerce business operations and reduce costs. BPP algorithms can efficiently store,�...
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Highlights � A literature review on off-line and on-line 3D packing problems is conducted. � The main constraints and solution approaches are structured.
In this thesis we study online algorithms for dynamic bin packing. An online algorithm is presented with input throughout time and must make irrevocable�...